About Chiropractic

Chiropractic was discovered in 1895 and since then has grown to be one of the most widely utilised forms of natural health care around the world today.  It is based on the knowledge that all your bodily functions are ultimately controlled by your nervous system. Millions of instructions flow from your brain, down your spinal cord and out to every organ and tissue of your body. Signals are also sent back to the brain in order to ‘sense’ if your body is working correctly. You digest food, heal wounds, fight infections and breathe without having to think about these essential functions.

As Chiropractors we locate and anlayse the improper motion or position of the moving bones of the spine (vertebrae) which interfere with the nerve messages between the brain and the body- we call this a SUBLUXATION. The delicate nerves exiting the spine can be irritated, stretched and sometimes compressed or pinched. Even with this nerve irritation most subluxations exist without obvious pain or discomfort. Subluxations may affect your muscle balance and the function of your organs to produce important chemicals and hormones.

5 signs you should really see a Chiropractor

These are some of the most common times people see a chiropractor. But the reasons to get regular care go far beyond this list!

Sources of research